Office 2013: Unable to activate

Office 2013 Activation Issues

At work, we use **Office 365** and I am taking a look at **Office 2013** as a part of the preview program. One issue that I had was that I was unable to activate it.
In order to activate \*\*Office 2013\*\* you are asked to sign in. This also unlocks other features which I won't go into now. The sign in page looks like this:
In my case, I chose **Organization or School** and then I was asked to enter my **Office 365** username and password. When I entered the correct details I would get the following error:

Sorry, we can't connect to your account. Please try again later. Sorry, we can't connect to your account. Please try again later.

What's the Issue

I immediately suspected the corporate proxy server / firewall. The firewall logs showed me that **Office 2013** was trying to access the following URL:
But, crucuially, it was not passing credentials with the request so the request was anonymous. The firewall is set to block anonymous requests.

The solution

I am not 100% sure whether this is an **Office 2013** issue or a windows configuration issue, but I resolved it by adding the URL above into a whitelist of websites that we have configured in our firewall. Interestingly, the other URLs we have in the whitelist are all to do with **Office 365** URLs.
I hope this helps someone.